From Pastor John T. McLarty:
“The violence is already here.
When the young men in my town emblazoned their trucks with F*** Biden, knowing their actions would bring a smile of approval from their hero, they told us more about their hero than about themselves. Still, it showed their willingness for violence.
When the president twisted Ukraine’s self-defense into “starting a war,” he was blessing Russian bombs.
When he announced removing security details from public figures he dislikes, he was begging someone to do the violence for him, so he could keep his hands clean.
When the president gave blanket pardon to criminals of January 6, he was readying goons for violence against the homes and businesses of “enemies of the state.”
Enemies of the state: that is most of us because anyone who is not 100 percent devoted to the greatness of the leader is an enemy of the leader. And the leader is the state. The law is his whim. And the violence you bring on yourself by opening your mouth in anything other than fulsome praise is well deserved.
Violence. It is the new virtue. I wonder how long the two strong men will cooperate. Cooperation is not their habit. They do not regard it as a virtue. One will need to be violently eliminated. But his elimination will not stop the violence.
I do not know how to advise you. I don’t even know how to advise myself. This is new territory. The violence is upon us.”
[Used with permission of the author, Pastor John T. McLarty]