We’ve lost an understanding of the intrinsic value of each person. We unfortunately now must be reminded that each of us is precious.

Each individual has worth by their very nature, not because of what they do or how they are perceived by others; it’s an unconditional value that exists regardless of external circumstances. Whether someone is wealthy or poor, famous or unknown, healthy or struggling, their value does not change. Profound value or worth is intrinsic to their being; everyone enjoys this fundamental dignity just because they are human.

Every person deserves to be treated with respect and fairness. This means they have the right to be treated ethically, to have their basic human rights protected, and to live free from exploitation or harm. Intrinsic worth is the foundation of human rights, as it recognizes the basic dignity of every individual, regardless of any external factors or differences.

If all individuals have intrinsic value, it follows that no one is inherently more valuable than anyone else. Every person deserves equal rights, opportunities and treatment simply because of their shared humanity. Intrinsic value removes any basis for discrimination, as it asserts that the worth of a person is not determined by race, gender, age, social status or any other external characteristic.

In both secular and religious frameworks, the idea that each person has intrinsic value forms the bedrock for ethical behavior. It’s the basis for treating others with kindness, empathy and fairness. For example, secular humanism emphasizes the inherent worth of each person, leading to the principles of equality, justice and compassion for others. Similarly, religious teachings emphasize the sacredness of the human soul and the inherent worth of every individual.

The worth of each person is not just an isolated concept but is tied to the broader human community. By recognizing the intrinsic value in others, we create a more harmonious and compassionate world where each person’s dignity is upheld, benefiting everyone.

This perspective affirms that everyone deserves respect, fairness and compassion, and it forms the foundation for treating people with kindness and equality. Intrinsic value is a core principle in ethical, human rights and philosophical frameworks that highlight the inherent dignity of human life.

With this perspective, we can build anew.