In the hollowed-out cities, the voice of the demagogue finds a certain appeal. All ills are embodied in the scapegoat.
Scapegoats are chosen, not for anything they’ve done, but precisely because they make easy targets, ready prey.
The list of scapegoats is long, but the most vulnerable find their statuses criminalized. The two most obvious are the unhoused and immigrants.
The unhoused are punished for their social or economic position, while the root causes of homelessness, such as the lack of affordable housing and mental health services, go unaddressed.
Immigrants are subject to apprehension and deportation purely for their position. They may not have committed any criminal act, but they will still be removed.
To the cries for justice, the demagogue says, “The homeless made bad decisions.” Of the immigrant, “They may have lived here for years, contributed to their communities, paid taxes, but they lack the proper status, so they must go.”
The ignorant cheer the demagogue and take the lies of their [orange] god to new extremes, “All immigrants are criminals!” “It’s about unlawful entry!”
The problem of course is the mob is bloodthirsty. New scapegoats will soon be needed. New crimes imagined.
You can almost hear them say, “Homosexuality is a sin that must be punished.” “Muslims are blasphemers who shall be banished.” “Atheists have made us immoral and they will be blamed.”
Virtue for the demagogue is strength. Being weak, few in number or otherwise vulnerable is the only crime the demagogue sees.
Describe this phenomenon, the Ubermensch, as succinctly as possible:
Status crime.