The White Rose Movement was a non-violent resistance group that emerged in Nazi Germany, primarily made up of university students; it became one of the most famous examples of internal opposition to Adolf Hitler’s regime.

The movement was founded in 1942 by Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst, along with several of their fellow students at the University of Munich, such as Alexander Schmorell and Willi Graf. The group was deeply influenced by their religious beliefs, moral opposition to the Nazi regime and a desire to resist the atrocities being committed by the Nazis.

The White Rose members distributed leaflets that condemned the Nazi regime, exposed the atrocities being committed against Jews and other groups and called for passive resistance and civil disobedience. Their leaflets urged Germans to reject Nazi ideology and refuse to support the war effort.

The group wrote and distributed six major leaflets, which were printed secretly and sent to universities and other locations across Germany. The leaflets called for people to oppose Nazi tyranny and emphasized the need for moral courage. The most famous of these leaflets contained a message urging the German people to stop supporting Hitler and the war, and it urged them to rise up against the regime.

The White Rose’s activities were highly dangerous, and in February 1943 the group’s operations were cut short when Hans and Sophie Scholl were arrested by the Gestapo after they were caught distributing leaflets at the University of Munich. Christoph Probst was arrested shortly thereafter. Despite their youth and their peaceful methods, the Scholls, Probst and other members of the group were executed by guillotine after a quick trial.

Although the movement was small and short-lived, the courage of the White Rose members had a lasting impact on post-war Germany. Their defiance against one of history’s most brutal regimes became a symbol of moral resistance to tyranny and oppression. They stood out because they were educated, idealistic young people who chose to fight against the prevailing ideology of their time, even though the consequences were certain death.

The White Rose Movement remains a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up against injustice, even in the face of great personal danger, and their story continues to inspire new generations to act against tyranny and oppression.