We last spoke of building community as the way out. Building community is in fact the resistance to the anti-democratic, nay anti-human, forces that have been unleashed.
History is replete with examples of anticipatory obedience, which is the phenomenon where individuals or groups begin to comply with authority or established norms even before being directly asked or coerced to do so. It is a preemptive form of obedience, where people conform to expectations without needing explicit orders, often because they fear the consequences of non-compliance or believe that following these norms will avoid punishment or bring rewards.
In the context of fascism, anticipatory obedience becomes particularly dangerous because the fascist regime thrives on authoritarian control, rigid hierarchies and the suppression of dissent.
The rise of fascism requires persons to be silent, to check out, to be indifferent.
The silence now is deafening.
The indifference is easily explained- persons start the practice of anticipatory obedience to avoid suspicion or to gain favor. Unfortunately, this compliance, even before direct orders are given, contribute directly to the erosion of individual freedoms and the normalization of increasingly oppressive actions.
Anticipatory obedience leads to the suppression of dissent, the marginalization of minority groups and the creation of a society where resistance is either not possible or too dangerous to attempt.
We either join together now and survive, or we remain aloof, indifferent and perish.
We must build anew.